
Himalayan Organic Honey

All Varieties

Organic Certified Honey

Organic Certified Honey

The organic certified honey is sourced form the apiaries located in the Organic Certified regions of multi flora wild forest. Being Organic certified the flora is free from any insecticide or pesticide. The flora grown in pure Organic Way. Also organic honey bee keeping practices are followed and health, well being of honey bees are maintained in Organic Way.

Van Tulsi Honey

Van Tulsi Honey (Holy Basil)

Van Tulis Honey (Forest Basil Honey) is sourced directly from the strategically located apiaries located inside the Basil forests on the hills of Uttarakhand. Honey Bees obtains nectar form Basil Flowers and produce honey that has naturally occurring aroma, taste and health benefits of Basil in it. Basil is very effective in developing immunity against common cold and cough.

Wild Forest Honey

Wild Forest Honey

Wild forest honey is harvested from beehives located in or near natural forested areas. It is often prized for its unique flavor profile, as it can contain a diverse range of nectar sources from various wildflowers and trees found in the forest ecosystem. Due to which it has diverse nutrient content and multi antioxidant properties.

Jamun Honey

Jamun Honey (Indian blackberry)

Jamun honey is produced by honey bees from the nectar of the flowers of the Indian blackberry tree (Syzygium cumini). Jamun honey is valued for its potential health benefits and distinctive flavor profile, which has jamun fruit’s unique taste. Like other types of honey, it contains natural sugars, enzymes, antioxidants, and other beneficial compounds.

Litchi Honey

Litchi Honey (Lychee)

Litchi honey is produced by honey bees from the nectar of the flowers of the litchi tree, also known as lychee (Litchi chinensis). Litchi honey have a unique flavor and aroma profile, influenced by the nectar of litchi blossoms. It carry hints of the sweet and floral notes characteristic of litchi fruit. Apart from health benfits, it can be used as a sweetener in beverages, desserts, dressings, marinades, and more.

Sunflower Honey

Sunflower Honey

Sunflower honey is produced by honey bees from the nectar of sunflower blossoms. Its apiaries are located near the fields of Sunflower. This honey is known for its light color, mild flavor, and smooth texture. It contains natural sugars, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Sunflower honey’s mild flavor makes it a versatile ingredient in cooking and baking. It can be used as a sweetener in tea, coffee, dressings, sauces, and a variety of recipes.

Eucalyptus Honey

Eucalyptus Honey

Eucalyptus honey is produced by honey bees that primarily forage on the nectar of eucalyptus tree blossoms. Eucalyptus honey has a bold and distinctive flavor profile, influenced by the strong aroma of eucalyptus blossoms. Apart from containing natural sweetness, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, it can be used in marinades, dressings, glazes, and various recipes that can benefit from its distinct taste.

Mustard Honey

Mustard Honey

Mustard honey is produced by honey bees from the nectar of mustard flowers. It is high in natural glucose and therefore is normally in semi or fully crystallized state. It has a strong, spicy flavor which can be utilised in  many dishes. It has many medicinal properties which are a combination of mustard and honey.

Coriander Honey

Coriander Honey

Coriander honey is produced by honey bees from the nectar of coriander herb (Coriandrum sativum) flowers. Coriander honey can have a unique and delicate flavor profile influenced by the nectar of coriander blossoms. The flavor may have subtle herbal and citrusy notes, reminiscent of the coriander spice. Apart from having medicinal properties it can be used in dressings, marinades, sauces, and various recipes where a subtle herbal note is desired.

Neem Honey

Neem Honey

Neem honey is produced by honey bees from the nectar of neem (Azadirachta Indica) flowers. It is rich in antioxidants and has a distinct taste that makes it perfect for those who do not like traditional flavors encountered in honey varieties. Neem Honey is rich in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.